A'th eiriau y bywheaist fi

(Salm CXIX - Gwethfawrogrwydd gair Duw - Rhan II)
A'th eiriau y bywheaist fi,

  Am hyn y rhei'ny gofiais:

Eiddot Ti wyf - Duw! achub fi,

  Dy ddeddfau Di a geisais.

Mor gu, O Arglwydd! genyf fi

  Dy ddeddf Di a'th gyfammod,

Ac ar y rhai'n, o ddydd i ddydd,

  Y bydd fy holl fyfyrdod.

Dy air i'm traed i, llusern yw,

  A llewyrch gwiw i'm llwybrau;

Mi dyngais, a chyflawnu wnaf,

  Y cadwaf dy lân ddeddfau.

Cym'rais yn etifeddiaeth lân,

  Byth weithian dy orch'mynion;

O herwydd mai hwynt-hwy y sydd

  Lawenydd i fy nghalon.

Gwaeddais, achubais flaen y dydd,

  Wrth d'air yn ufudd gwyliais;

Deffrôdd fy llygaid ganol nos,

  O achos d'air a hoffais.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Rhan I - Pa fodd O Dduw y ceidw llanc?
  Rhan II - O'm genau na ddwg dy air gwir
  Rhan III - Mor gu O Arglwydd gennyf fi
  Pob cyfryw ddyn y sydd a'i daith

(Psalm 119 - The value of the word of God - Part 2)
With thy words thou didst revive me,

  Therefore these I requested:

To Thee I belong - God, save me!

  Thy laws I have sought.

How dear, O Lord, to me

  Thy laws and thy covenant,

And upon these, from day to day,

  Shall be my whole meditation.

Thy word to my feet, a lantern is,

  And a worthy radiance to my paths;

I swore, and fulfil it I shall,

  I will keep thy holy laws.

I have received as a holy inheritance,

  Forever thy commandments;

Since it is they that are

  Bringing joy to my heart.

I prayed, thou didst save the day,

  By thy word obediently I watched;

My eyes awoke in the middle of the night,

  Because thy word I have loved.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
 93 Thy precepts therefore from my thoughts
      shall never, Lord, depart;
    For thou by them hast to new life
      restored my dying heart.

 94 As I am thine, entirely thine,
      protect me, Lord, from harm;
    Who have thy precepts sought to know,
      and carefully perform.

103 How sweet are all thy words to me !
      O what divine repast!
    How much more grateful to my soul
      than honey to my taste!

104 Taught by thy sacred precepts, I
      with heav'nly skill am blest:
    Through which the treach'rous
        ways of sin
      I utterly detest.

105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp,
      the way of truth to show;
     A watch-light to point out the path
      in which I ought to go.

106 I sware, (and from my solemn oath
      will never start aside,)
    That in thy righteous judgments I
      will steadfastly abide.

111 Thy testimonies I have made
      my heritage and choice;
    For they, when other comforts fail,
      my drooping heart rejoice.

146 Again more fervently I prayed,
      O save me, that I may
    Thy testimonies thoroughly know,
      and steadfastly obey.

148 With zeal have I awaked before
      the midnight watch was set,
    That I of thy mysterious word
      might perfect knowledge get.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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